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Immobilise - National GB property database.

Sold Secure - Premier testing and certification house for security products.

Comparison sites

Confused - Car and house insurance.

Go compare - Breakdown, car, house, motorbike and van insurance.


Actual sites

AA - Automobile Association Insurance Services Ltd - Breakdown, car, house and travel insurance.

Admiral - EUI Limited - Breakdown, car, house and travel insurance.
     Admiral travel - Admiral travel insurance user site.

AIG Direct - Unat Direct Insurance Management Ltd - Car, health, house and travel insurance.

Annual Travel Insurance - Travel insurance.

AXA PPP Healthcare - Health insurance.

AXA - AXA Insurance UK plc - Breakdown, car, house and travel insurance.

Barclays Insurance Services - Car, house and travel insurance.

BCWA Healthcare - Health insurance.

Budget - BISL Ltd - Car and house insurance.

BUPA - Health insurance.

Castle Cover - Castle Cover Ltd - Car and house insurance for over 50's.

CIGNA - Health insurance.

Co-operative Insurance - CIS General Insurance Ltd - Car and house insurance.

Churchill Insurance Company - Breakdown, car and house insurance.

CS Health Care - Civil Service Healthcare Society Limited - Health insurance (put in code 103 for 2 months free).

CSMA/LV Frizzell - Travel insurance.

Dial Direct - BISL Ltd - Car insurance.

Direct Line - Breakdown, car, house and travel insurance.

Direct Travel - Travel insurance.

Esure - Esure Services Ltd - Car, house and travel insurance.

First Assist Group (RSA) - Health insurance.

General and Medical - Health insurance.

Graham Gomm Insurance Brokers - Cherished number plates insurance.

Green Flag Motoring Assistance - Breakdown insurance.

Halifax Bank of Scotland - Car, health, house and travel insurance.

Hastings Insurance Services Ltd - Car, house and travel insurance.

Hiscox - House insurance.

I Buy Eco - Car insurance.

LV - Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company Ltd - Breakdown, car and house insurance.

Mayfair online - Car insurance.

Marks and Spencer - House insurance.

Medisure - Health insurance.

Mondial - Mondial Assistance (UK) Ltd - Travel insurance.

More Than - Part of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Plc - Breakdown, car, house and travel insurance.

Nationwide - Uses Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company ltd - Car, house, life and travel insurance.
     Save 5% online

Norwich Union Insurance - Breakdown, car, health, house and travel insurance.

Pavillion - Instrument insurance, select 'Orchestra Guard'.

Privilege - Car and house insurance.

Prudential - Health insurance.

RAC - Royal Automobile Club - London and Edinburgh Insurance Company Ltd - Breakdown, car and house insurance.

RIAS - Fortis (UK) Ltd - House insurance for over 50's.

SAGA - Car, house and travel insurance for over 50's.

Sainsburys - Car, house and travel insurance.

Sentinel - Credit, debit card and key insurance.

Sheilas Wheels - Esure Services Ltd - Breakdown, car and handbag insurance.

Standard Life - Health insurance.

Start Rescue - Call Assist Ltd - Breakdown and travel insurance.

Swiftcover - Swiftcover Insurance Services Ltd - Breakdown, car and travel insurance.

Swinton Group Ltd - Car, house and travel insurance.

Tesco Personal Finance - Car, health and house insurance.

Virgin Money Personal Financial Service - Car, house and travel insurance.

WPA - Health insurance.

Zenith Insure - Car, house and van insurance.


B = Broken?


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Copyright Roy Dickason, October 2002 and April 2019.