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Surgeons conference

After the Micro Surgeon's conference in New York, the Ieading surgeons were in the bar and, being drunk as skunks, began to reminisce over their greatest feats.

The first, an Australian surgeon, explained, "We had a chap caught in a printing press at a factory last year and all that was left of him was his little finger. Our team of surgeons constructed a new hand and built a new arm, engineered a new body and ultimately, when he returned to the workforce, he was so efficient he put five men out of work".

"That's nothing," added the American surgeon, "We had a worker trapped inside a nuclear reactor and all that was left of him was his hair. We constructed a new skull, a new torso and new limbs and returned him to the workforce. He is so efficient now he has put fifty men out of work".

The English surgeon was not to be outdone. "I was walking down the street when I got the smell of a fart. So I took it back to the hospital in a paper bag, let it loose on the table and we got to work. First of all, we wrapped an asshole around it, built a bum around that, attached a body to one end and legs to the other. Gradually it turned into a man called the Prime Minister and he has put the whole country out of work".


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Copyright Roy Dickason, October 2002 and April 2019.